All About Earthing

I truly believe at the root of almost every imbalance in our modern world is a disconnection from our natural world. Human beings were never meant to live the way we do - indoors in front of screens all day, overloaded with information, to-do’s and expectations, and disconnected from our environment. But through reconnection with the earth and her frequency, we can begin to slowly shift, heal, and return to a state of balance.

Trees, flowers, and plants release healing vibrations that directly communicate with our central nervous system. Sunlight resets our circadian rhythm and naturally replenishes vitamin d levels to support immune health, deep rest, strong bones, and glowing skin. Fresh air cleanses out toxins, releases stuck energy, and clears our mind. Healthy soil is rich in trillions of microorganisms that nourish and promote diversity within our gut microbiome. Ocean air releases endorphins, crashing waves promote calmness, and salty water encourages physical healing. Clean water contains important minerals that are needed to fully hydrate our cells. Fresh, locally grown, in-season, organic foods contain the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and energetic qualities to support vibrant health.

Potentially most powerful of all, is the earth's vibrational energy. A healing electrical current emanates from deep within her core, that reenergizes, recharges, and grounds our entire being. When we make direct contact with the earth, these ‘negative ions’ naturally reduce inflammation and soothe the nervous system.


Earthing, also known as grounding, is the practice of touching the earth with our bare skin, and letting her energy flow through us.

The Earth radiates a powerful, naturally healing electrical current that reenergizes, recharges, and grounds our entire being. This energy is referred to as ‘negative ions’. Research shows negative ions positively alter our brain chemistry to encourage feelings of contentment, peace, and well-being. Unfortunately, our modern world is filled with technologies that produce positive ions - an energy that promotes inflammation and negatively impacts both mental and physical health. Positive ions are formed from toxins (chemicals found in your home and products, air pollutants, etc), indoor lighting, and anything electromagnetic such as electronic devices like your phone or tv.

But when we make physical contact with the Earth, it’s healing energies bring our body back into a state of neutral homeostasis and balance.

Earthing is one of my favourites methods for calming anxiety and stress. It’s simple to do, completely free, and you’ll feel so much better once you’re done. Just go outside, take off your shoes, and sit, stand, or lie down bare foot on the grass, sand, or soil. Breathe deeply, and let the earth’s energy wash through you. This practice calms our stress hormones and naturally reenergizes us - without caffeine or sleep. While we may not always feel in control of our external circumstances, we do have the power to shift our internal state. And there are so many simple, free practices we can implement from home to help relieve anxiousness, manage stress, soothe our nervous system combat feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. Amongst those, Earthing is one of my most treasured of all.