
Periods! Let’s talk about them.

I dreaded my menstrual cycle for most of my life. I’ve always been one of those girls with a naturally heavier period. And every month, in the first couple days of my cycle, I routinely bled through tampons, pads, pants, and sheets.

I first heard about the period cup a few years ago from a friend. “They'll change your period FOREVER!” she said. But after a quick google search, I immediately turned the idea down. Inserting a physical cup, into my body?! No way!

But this year, everything changed. I began to crave a deeper connection with my body and my cycle. I felt a strong desire to learn more about my anatomy. And I started to become curious about my blood. Not to mention, I was SO tired of using tampons that just didn’t work with my heavy bleed. And most importantly, I started to understand the startling impact conventional menstrual products have on our planet.

What is a Menstrual Cup, Anyway?

A menstrual cup is a small, flexible, reusable cup that’s typically made from silicone or rubber. Unlike tampons or pads, the menstrual cup collects your blood instead of absorbing it! Similarly to using a tampon, menstrual cups are inserted into the vagina. Once inside, the cup sits below the cervix and catches your flow as you bleed. Once the cup is full, you simply pop it out, empty it’s contents into the toilet, give the cup a quick rinse to clean, and pop it back in.

Why Switch to the Cup?

I held off from trying the menstrual cup for SO long because I was scared of the unknowns. What if insertion hurts? What if I leak? What if my cup gets lost inside of me?

But today, I’ve grown to deeply love my menstrual cup. And after a little education, reassurance, and practice, those fears have quickly melted away. So why use a menstrual cup? There are SO many reasons to make the switch:


  • Using a period cup offers a beautiful opportunity to get to know your body AND your blood! Did you know the colour of your period is a free hormone test? After switching to the menstrual cup, I’m now able to get a picture of my hormonal health every single month, based on my blood’s colour, texture, duration, and flow.


  • Period cups are SO much better for our earth. Did you know a single person uses approximately 11,000 disposable tampons in their lifetime? All together, menstrual products add up to over 200,000 tons of waste, per year. Now that’s A LOT of waste. Especially considering it takes 800(!!!!!!!) years for one pad to fully break down. Additionally, the actual production of period products is environmentally disruptive. Conventional pads and tampons are typically made from cotton; one of the most water-intensive crops to grow. They also contain large amounts of plastic (think applicators, wrappers, and packaging) which end up crowding our landfills and polluting our oceans.


  • Period cups are SO much better for our health. Conventional tampons + pads contain a wide variety of added chemicals, toxins, and pesticide residue that absorbs into our bloodstream. Studies show these chemicals actually disrupt our endocrine system and contribute to hormonal imbalance - along with promoting all sorts of disease.

  • Wearing a menstrual cup greatly reduces the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), which happens from bacteria that begins to form when menstrual products (specifically tampons) are left in for too long. TSS is a dangerous and potentially fatal condition.


  • The average women spends approximately $6,000 on menstrual hygiene products throughout her bleeding years. Just imagine how much $$$ you can save by switching to a reusable menstrual cup!


  • You can often go much longer between emptying your cup than changing a tampon. This is the biggest blessing for someone with a heavy bleed, like me. Goodbye leakage worries, hello freedom!

  • You can safely leave the menstrual cup in overnight while you sleep. My period-sleeps have truly become so. much. better. since switching to the cup.


Why I love VIV

Not all menstrual cups are created equal. It’s SO important to do your research before purchasing, and find a consciously made cup with non-toxic materials. Your cup will be INSIDE of you, after all! After searching for (and testing) many different period cups, I finally found a menstrual-care company that embodies everything I believe in: period positivity, womxn empowerment, sustainability, accessibility, the environment, and our health.

Viv for Your V is a female-founded earth-friendly period-care company that cares deeply about the quality of their products and the impact they leave on our earth. Their products are consciously made with toxin-free, environmentally-friendly ingredients using practices that support sustainability. These products include the Viv Menstrual Cup (my personal favourite!), bamboo liners, bamboo pads, and tampons COMING SOON!

Some reasons why I love Viv…

  • Their products are made with organic bamboo + corn fibre, using drastically less water + land space to grow than cotton

  • Their products are completely plastic FREE

  • Their products are free from nasty chemicals

  • Their pads + liners are 95% degradable!

  • Their packaging is made with sustainable ink and 30% less paper than conventional period products

  • Their products are priced affordably, making them accessible to many

  • They ship ALL OVER the world!

  • They’re passionate about menstrual education, period empowerment, and removing stigmas + shame

I’m so excited to share that Viv was kind enough to offer a special discount code for this community! If you’d like to purchase your own Viv menstrual cup, or try any of their natural period products, you can use the code HANNAH15 at checkout for 15% your order! Considering their already accessible pricing, this is a deeply generous offer.

The Viv Menstrual Cup

I particularly love my Viv cup because of it’s made with 100% medical grade silicon, lasts 10 years with proper care, AND I can wear it for up to 12 hours at a time. Plus, it’s beautiful black colour means I don’t need to worry about staining. I like to wear my menstrual cup for the majority of my cycle, then switch to the Viv organic cotton panty liners in the last day or so. I sleep with my cup in overnight, and pair it with a Viv pad for extra protection on heavier bleeding evenings. This cup, and these pads, have truly made my period feel like a dream.


P E R I O D C U P Q + A

Before I made the switch, I had so many questions about the cup. So, I’ve compiled this handy Period Cup Q + A as a resource for you to turn to. I hope this information provides answers to your burning questions, helps break the menstrual cup stigma, and gives you the reassurance, support, and inspiration to finally make the switch.

How do I insert the cup?

Your first time inserting the cup always feels a little scary. But with a bit of practice, insertion becomes a breeze - I promise! First, take some slow, deep breathes, until you begin to feel somewhat relaxed. Then, squat down (either on the floor or over the toilet) and open your legs. Fold your menstrual cup in half, and insert just like you would a tampon. It can sometimes help to wet the cup first for easier sliding! Allow the cup to open up inside. When it’s in the correct position, you won’t be able to feel it at all.

Here’s a handy little tutorial if you need further guidance: How to Insert a Menstrual Cup

How do I figure out my cup size?

Not all vaginas are the same, and using a properly sized cup is super important for comfort and insertion ease. Your unique cup size will depend on your cervix height and average period flow. Viv for Your V has a handy little sizing chart that you can refer to before purchasing!

How long can I keep my cup in?

This will largely depend on the flow of your bleed and the size of your cup. On heavier days, I like to change my cup ever few hours to prevent potential leakage. On lighter days, I keep my cup in all day long without thinking about it!

How do I take the cup out?

Sit down on the toilet, and reach up until you can feel the tip of your menstrual cup. I LOVE the Viv cup’s handy ring, which makes it super easy to remove and completely beginner friendly. Once you’ve got hold of your cup, slowly pull it out and empty the contents into your toilet.


Can the cup get lost inside of me?


Once you understand your female anatomy, then you’ll realize that it’s physically impossible for your cup to get lost inside of you. This is because it’s impossible for the cup to move past the cervix and into your uterus.

However, depending on the length of your cervix, the cup can sometimes slide up a bit to far and become out of reach. Do not panic! You can simply use your pelvic floor muscles to push the cup back down.

Can I exercise with my cup in?

Yes! From swimming to running to yoga, menstrual cups allow you to move freely, without worry.

Can I sleep with my cup?

Yes! You can leave your cup in safely for up to 12 hours. On heavier flow days, I recommend paring the cup with an organic pad or a pair or absorbable period undies in case of leakage.

How do I clean my cup?

While on my period, I simply rinse the cup under hot water in-between usage. Then, once my bleed has finished, I give the cup a more thorough cleaning. On the stove, heat a small pot of water until boiling. Boil the cup for about 5-10 minutes to kill off potential bacteria and remove any stains. Let dry, then store in a clean place until your next cycle. Good as new!

Is there a risk of TSS?

While its not impossible, the chance of developing Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) while using a menstrual cup is incredible rare. To date, there has only been one reported case of TSS from the period cup, and this was due to an unlikely scrape that occurred during insertion. Overall, menstrual cups are quite safe. Just follow instructions, check on your cup from time-to-time, and always listen to your body.

Since switching to the menstrual cup, I now feel a deeper connection with my body and to my monthly bleed. Our period is a gift. Let’s CELEBRATE our beautiful cycle, normalize menstruation, and acknowledge the sacredness of the menstrual phase.

This post is lovingly sponsored by Viv for Your V. Thank you, Viv, for making this content possible!